Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Invention Through Amended Methods

"Creating enlightened society is like doing the laundry," states
Flee Maull, visionary social change activist.  Tami Simon continues,
"Once we have folded all of the clean clothes, in that moment 
in which we feel a sense of completeness, we realize the clothes 
we are wearing are dirty, and that there is more laundry to be done."
Tami Simon (Founder and Publisher of Sounds True)

Our existence has been heightened by the brilliance of scientists, philosophers, doctors, artists and creative inventors.  With magnificent discovery, others are prompted to move more thoroughly into unknown realms.  So progress threads itself by trial and error throughout history. Improvement is never finalized.

Invention is experienced by everyone. Through amended methods of child rearing, housekeeping, beauty care, or simple daily living, our families, friends, or groups of support pass down original inventions.  The prompt is usually altering an action to make a task easier, faster or less expensive.

We can label these learned shortcuts as mini inventions. Whether incidental or monumental, our  insightful discoveries need to be shared with others.  Our positive energies spark the imagination of others, perpetuating authentic creativity throughout history.

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