Monday, June 20, 2016

Changing Genes

"We are shaped by our thoughts; 
we become what we think.
When the mind is pure, joy follows 
like a shadow that never leaves."

Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, has offered to the world visionary research referencing the power of the environment to change our genes.  He has been a pioneer in teaching how to master your own biology.

Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House, sited Lipton's findings from a prostate cancer patient. Over 500 genes were changed through lifestyle adjustments alone, not by conventional pharmaceutical means.  When we control our ability to change how we live, we are no longer a victim of heredity.  (BREAK THROUGH THE BARRIER OF BELIEF by Hay House)

The saying, "You are what you eat," runs parallel with "Your body believes everything you say."  Daily we program our bodies into thinking we are too tired, too fat, too weak, too ugly, too dumb, etc...  If we treated our selves with respect we would live a healthier lifestyle and conduct an encouraging and supportive conversation with our soul.

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