Monday, May 9, 2016

Trusted Words of Others

"Every fragment of self-talk is a little story in the head
that goes around, and then you look at reality through
the lens of the little story."
Eckhart Tolle

The car dealership told me I needed new brakes that the vehicle was worn down to the brake pads.  I groaned, knowing I rode the brake too hard! My car was then taken to a trusted small business for the brakes to be replaced.

A few hours later, I received a phone call telling me that the car had been dismantled and the brakes were fine.  Just to be on the safe side, instructions were given to go ahead and replace them as surely they were nearing repair and the car was already taken apart.   The mechanic refused to do it.  He explained the brakes were fine, no where near replacement.  This honest man did not charge for his labor or wisdom.

Puzzled as to why I so readily bought into the idea of the brakes being worn, I did some back history about my driving skills.  I was able to recall practicing for my drivers license test and my father criticizing me "You ride the brake too much!"  Over 50 years ago, a negative comment was slipped into my belief system and unknowingly continued to thrive.  To fault,  I have trusted the words of others stringing them into stories defining my life.  I believe I have some serious editing to do!

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