Friday, May 13, 2016

Temporary Home

"The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something,
for a split second it's so great, because for a little bit I'm out of my brain,
and it's got nothing to do with me."
Chris Evans

It has been a full day of creative action and intimate discussions with friends.  Blood continues to race through my veins and my mind will not stay still.  I wandered out onto the secluded patio with my tea to sit in silence while the sun fell from the sky.

Mentally I emptied my thoughts into the sun being embraced by the horizon.  Darkness would soon be upon me as I waited for the moon.  And there it was, brilliantly floating across the sky!  I knew my bare feet were no longer planted on this ground, as my wings had taken off for the sky.

In these rare moments, I am no longer me as I am gracefully absorbed into the oneness of all things. This is an experience of being embraced by all that there is from the past, the present, and the future. There is not an awareness of beginning nor ending, just a suspension in all inclusive peace, love, and joy.  It is only when my earthly body begins to feel cold, that I return with a radiant heart to my most temporary home.

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