Monday, May 2, 2016

Smorgasbord of Diverse Talents

"It's not what you look at that matters,
it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau

We close our eyes in contemplation, visualizing a mentor to educate us on our darkened path.  We yearn for wisdom to slip into our dreams providing concrete directions to arrive on the other side of the illusion of fear.  In the meantime, we lightly gaze upon those who gather around us, overlooking the available  wisdom right before us.

There is no one exceptional who is going to rescue us from our own destination.  As we learn to value ourselves, we begin to recognize the value residing in others. We have something to mirror or reflect to each other once we deliberately look and listen for the knowledge.  Relationships are not meant to be a contest, but a smorgasbord of diverse talents and gifts to be shared with all.

When we experience a reverence for all of life, we begin to joyfully admire the successes of others.  If we broaden our view, looking beyond the mistakes a person has made, we discover a land of opportunity.  We see the depth in the hearts of others and our wisdom multiplies.

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