Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sprinkle Encouragement

"Encouragement is like water to the soul,
it makes everything grow."
Chris Burkmenn

On the tenth day of rain, it is difficult to keep my heart from drowning.  I can muster praise for quenching the thirst of newly formed buds, but when is enough, enough?  When can this mud magically return to rich brown soil from the hot beams of the sun?

With a desire to eliminate the nausea from my swinging emotions, I agree to meet with friends.  No, not just friends, these are kindred spirits who ignore my edgy moods, and sprinkle encouragement generously upon my soul.  They administer warm hugs I want to last forever, squeeze my cold hands, and never  ever break eye contact mid-stream.  They comfort me until the churning has subsided.

Upon coming home, my cadence has returned and I am pulled forward by insight and desire.  There are countless reasons to be alive and numerous mysteries to be solved.  Passion returns and after hours of stringing fresh new words, the rains have ended.  Hopeful, I wait for the sun to appear!

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