Thursday, April 28, 2016

Options Become Limitless

"The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is love:
When love renounces all limits, it reaches truth."

We wear masks or create barriers in an effort to protect our hearts and to hide our vulnerability.  We may even pretend our feelings have not been hurt or act as though our world was unfolding in precision to our plan even though it is not.   

We cannot avoid pain in its entirety, but by responding with love we move through challenges with the least amount of devastation. We have the options to acknowledge and forgive or deceive ourselves losing integrity and self-respect.  

When we respond with love we have the awareness of the other person acting out based on what is happening in his or her life.  We do not take judgments to heart nor do we react with anger.  It is with love that the clarity of truth allows us to respond with understanding.  Through love, we see the bigger picture and our options become limitless.

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