Sunday, March 13, 2016

Traveler, Not Tourist

"Please be a traveler, not a tourist.  Try new things,
meet new people, and look beyond what's right in front of you.
Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in.
Andrew Zimmern

While we travel, broadly invest in the surroundings, rather than zipping in and then out.  Observe the difference in speech or diverse ways of adapting to life.  Notice the changes in nature while seeking the similarities.  Face the sun and feel it warming the face.  Search the stars and connect with the moon.  A traveler embraces the journey without losing touch with the core of the soul.

As we travel for pleasure or work, it is easy to get pulled out of routine.  Time, weather, and surroundings all change and our physical, mental, and spiritual support systems are altered.  It is necessary to keep our body, mind, and spirit, connected to our core. 

Exhilarating experiences or schedules of exhaustion, need to be counter balanced.  It is imperative to carve out time to be alone with stillness to rejuvenate.  Enjoy  a walk and breathe in surrounding beauty or add yoga stretches to  help  release stress.    Place a favorite snapshot  by the bed.  Journal or read passages from a favorite book.  Any small comfort can initiate a relaxed state.

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