Friday, March 18, 2016

This Or Something Better ...

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
Douglas Adams

It can be a blessing in disguise when our wants and needs are not met after hours spent praying.  If our request had come true, it might not have been to our favor in the long run.  We may believe that our prayers have not been heard so we try again, begging for wishes to be granted; but these too go unanswered.  Prayers are answered, we only listen for the answer we desire.

As we attempt to bring our visions into reality, we plead with the Divine to support our efforts.  We might ask for help or for a missing piece to bring our plans to fruition.  Synchronistic events happen, filling in our gaps, but do we remember to send a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude?

A mentor once told me to  include, "this or something better" to my prayers.  It was explained to me that when we ask in specific detail, the Divine works within the given boundaries.  When we allow God to meet our needs, when we trust Divine Intervention, we will be blessed with more than we would ever dream of asking for ourselves.  Our lives become enhanced when we allow Spirit to lavishly color our landscapes as the Divine is limitless!

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