Sunday, February 14, 2016

Appreciation Fuel for Love

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love,
and to let it come in."  Morrie Schwartz

The infinity sign can be a symbol for love.  On one end there is giving, flowing into the other end of receiving.  It doesn't matter where it begins, but once the flow is generated, balance comes into our lives.  If I cannot love myself, I may find it easier to invest in others.  As we extend our love to others, we will experience love coming back towards us.  Even if I love myself, I may have to learn to love others and allow myself the experience of acceptance. With authentic love, we are not trying  to buy someone's affection nor are we giving to the point of personal depletion.  

A good place to begin is with kindness, treating ourselves kindly and making kind gestures to others. We can assist others and ourselves in simple ways and with routine practice it becomes easier.  The idea is to maintain a flow so the infinity sign does not become unbalanced.

In time, we discover we are living in a kind environment and our kindness has turned into sincere love for life.  Even with imperfections, we see the love in ourselves, others, and the created world around us. Our appreciation is the fuel pumping love throughout the act of giving and receiving.

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