Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Power Over Others

"Power is not about exerting our will over others,
it is about being in complete truth with yourself."
Madisyn Taylor

When we feel secure in our personal truth, we easily open to the ideas and thoughts of others.  We are not rigid nor closed off from those who may disagree.  We welcome the challenge to explore our thoughts, knowing we may either remain steadfast or gain new knowledge.  

There is no reason to not share our truths unless we do not want to offend or endeavor to respect others.  If we are deliberately hiding our personal beliefs, perhaps we fear challenge.  Our personal knowledge needs to be challenged to help us continue to update and renew what we hold dear.

When we fully embody what we believe, we are willing to listen to the thoughts of others.  We do not feel threatened nor judgmental. We do not seek power over people as we are comfortable with ourselves, wishing the same for others.

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