Monday, December 7, 2015

Get Out Of The Way

"I am a hole in the flute 
that the Christ's breath flows through,
listen to the music."  Hafiz

There is something to be said for speaking slowly with accentuated pauses.  This gives plenty of time for our filters to work silencing ego, choosing kindness, and allowing truth to flow with our words.  When we get out of our own way, nonsensical elements can be eliminated and room is available for Divine to speak through us.

When we rush, whether through annoyance or excitement, our words may be harsh or ill intended.  Our focus is not on the listener, but upon our selves.  When we reserve space for Spirit to speak through us, our emphasis is coated with compassion. Often, our words are not heard, but rather a significant message unspoken and unseen.  

When we open ourselves as a vessel for God to work through, our words transport meaning to others.  We may wonder why we spouted some random statement and surprisingly discover excitement over the face of the listener.  We might even forget what we said.  Again, ego is out of the way and our words can flow on  Christ's breath, creating music.

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