Sunday, December 20, 2015

Freedom in Movement

"Defining a self or becoming one's own person
is a task that one ultimately does alone."

Harriet Goldhor Lerner, Ph.D

Life is a dance and the steps lead us into community as well as solitude.  Although we find our true nature by ourselves, we still require interaction with others.  It is through relationship that we learn most about our nature.  We discover how we think and feel through our conversations and behaviors.

To be thorough, one must listen to personal conversations while paying attention to inner thoughts and then explore them both.  Change does not come quickly and although we may learn one dance step, the music begins to beat to a different rhythm and we begin to learn new steps.  

The vision of dancing projects a freedom and flow of a person at ease.  It reflects the ability to step sure footed even when the pace changes.  It is great fun to dance surrounded by a group of friends, but movement can be just as rewarding alone.  Dance and explore the freedom it brings.  Enjoy the movement of the physical body which unleashes mental thoughts, and we can connect with the Divine.

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