Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Supporting the Mind, Healing the Body, and Unleashing Spirit

"It is the mind that makes one wise or
 ignorant, bound or emancipated."

Sri Ramakrishna

When a mother is mentally wounded, the unhealed woman impacts the emotional makeup of the child.  The child observes the behavior without having life experience to realize he or she is not the cause for such actions.   The child will try to excel, fix, or heal the parent which results in decay of self-worth.  The other parent may avoid his responsibility for tending to the mother, and focus his anger on the children.  The father's expectations of the children are frequently entirely beyond the scope of any child's  capability.

When the father consistently badgers the wounded mother, telling her she is ignorant or unattractive, her smallest segment of value crumbles. She feels bound against her will and captive. She loses ability to care for anyone and sinks further into her debilitated mental health.  Trapped in an unsupportive environment, she cannot think for herself and sadly believes what she hears.

The human spirit is resilient.  If this same woman can be given an opportunity to rebuild her self-esteem by addressing emotional or physical abuse, she begins to accept responsibility for her self.  She starts to understand why she ran into the cage, and discovers the door can be unlocked.  When we uncover our personal worth, we begin to shed what limits us, and with diligence, we move forward down the path of wisdom, supporting the mind, healing the body, and unleashing the spirit.

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