Friday, October 2, 2015

The Living Truth

"Tell the whole truth.  Don't be lazy, don't be afraid.
Close the critic out when you are drafting something new.  
Take chances in the interest of clarity and emotion." 

Jane Kenyon
(May 23, 1947 ~ April 22, 1955)

Poet, Jane Kenyon, offers heart wisdom about telling the whole truth.  Her knowledge is aimed at poets, but it is applicable to every human action.  If we consistently choose truth, we are authentically  identifying ourselves.  We offer an honest projection of who we are in the moment.

Whether we are writing, dancing or creating a project, it is imperative for us to recognize our preferences.  The investment we are making into the creation should clearly reflect our true self.  It is a way of honoring and respecting our individuality. 

Each time we choose truth, our inner nature expands, leaving less room for a critic.  Our ability to rely upon ourselves grows rapidly and advances our understanding of how we want to be seen.  It is  a challenge to tell the truth, but  life becomes unnecessarily complicated when built on lies.  We are not only called to tell the truth, but to be the living truth.  The gifts of doing so are remarkable!

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