Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Door Swings Open

"Questions are the keys that cause
the secret doors of the psyche to swing open."

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Challenges appear in our lives, blocking our normal pathway to peace and calm or mildly chaotic maneuvers.  We set all else aside, and delve into the seemingly giant task at hand.  There is a time element and so we must work quickly and yet meticulously.  We are required to unearth old documents and outdated resources.

Hours slide by and we tire of the task, and yet reinvest our energies to persevere.  The deadline looms in front of us, but with an exhausted smile, we know we have met this challenge with success.  Then just as suddenly as it appeared, we are notified it is no longer of importance.  In spite of our efforts, no one will ever see the skills we applied to this outstanding document.  

If we can set anger aside, along with criticism and judgment, and ask our inner selves, "What was the lesson here?"  On some level we know there is an unseen purpose, some beneath the skin itching that needs to be scratched.

Exhausted, we fall into contemplation.  Again, we ask the question, "What am I to learn?"  If we sit quietly and leave ourselves open, the answer will come.  If we do anything otherwise, we will miss the entire lesson.   

The answer is the key to open the door to new self-awareness.  With open hearts, we warmly embrace an unspoken insight, just as we hear the click of the door's lock.  Exhaling a deep breath, the door swings open and with confidence we stride into the next segment of life, believing more deeply in our personal resilience and accumulating abundance of worth.

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