Thursday, September 24, 2015

Living in the Gray

"The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks,
and it always surfaces above lies,
as oil floats on water."

"Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra

Spiritual growth over the years has led me to living in the gray.  I realize that my right answers might be wrong for someone else and we both might be wrong.  The questions I search offer a multitude of scenarios and it is with faith, I wait for the answers to unfold.  And the answers may change from situation to situation or from person to person.  I am very much aware that change moves me through answers.

In earlier years, I had an obsession for telling the truth, as being in a gray or neutral area was extremely uncomfortable.  I needed rigidity and not wide open spaces.  I needed to know where I stood in relationship to people, places and things.  Change or gray was almost intolerable.

Things had to be black or white as I was confused enough by life experiences.  Just out with it!  Tell me the truth ... right or wrong ... love or hate ... denial or accept ... life or death.  No matter what the truth happened to be, I could embrace it easier than a later discovered lie.

I describe myself as a truth teller, and I realize truth is rarely black or white.  Rigidity has less to do with the truth and more to do with ability to perceive reality from different viewpoints.  I actually enjoy embracing diversity which turns my gray into a sparkling metallic gray! And yet,  a lie is still a lie.

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