Friday, August 14, 2015

In The Midst of Chaos

"In a noisy world, seek the silence in your heart.  And through the power of silence, the energies of chaos will be brought back to harmony ~ not by you, but through you, as all miracles are.  When we visit this silence regularly, particularly in the morning, then the days of our lives become lit from above."

~Marianne Williamson

Living without chaos was a youthful goal of mine.  I envisioned my adult life as calm and serene.  Then  I came to realize life is chaos and my goal needed to change to living in the midst of chaos.  There was a choice as to how I could respond to the craziness of my surroundings.

If we begin our days with peace of mind, we are more apt to remain balanced throughout our day.  Just by being still for a few moments can prepare us for our day.  We can find those moments on the back porch with our coffee; in the shower; staring out a window; and through deliberate prayer, contemplation or meditation.  Some will say, "I don't have time for that!"  which really means being silent to begin the day has not yet reached priority level.

In the middle of family breakfast, morning meetings, or business travel, a person benefits from being mindful of being calm.  Getting pulled off balance by rudeness, not being listened to, or total disregard, can be avoided.  By experiencing  each chaotic moment with remembered silence, we can calmly continue forward without losing our inner alignment.

As we experience the beauty of silence, it will grow within us becoming our very nature.  We will find our selves navigating in the flow of life rather than defensively barging through.  Experiencing silence in brief moments throughout the day, will keep us mindful of Divine Spirit working through us enhanced by our calm in spite of the chaos surrounding us.

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