Thursday, August 6, 2015

Face In The Mirror

"People that have trust issues only need to look in the mirror.  
There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most."

Shannon L. Alder

Betrayal presents in numerous forms.  A bejeweled character can deceive us just as readily as a panhandler.  Even when all of our senses are screaming at us, we offer the benefit of the doubt.  If our desire is to simply restore harmony,  we will re-write, repress, or dismiss the event in its entirety.  

We do not offer ourselves the same grace.  While expecting others to tell us the absolute truth, we frequently adjust our sharing based upon the audience.  When approached, we may alter our truth with the attempt to be more easily accepted.   As we hide parts of our selves, we question why other people do not completely understand us.  

If withholding is a permanent habit, we will end up loathing ourselves.  The effort to keep our stories straight can become overwhelming.  In an attempt to play so many differing roles, we too easily forget our true identity.  We can blame society, our childhood, or environmental limitations, but responsibility begins with the face in the mirror.

Even if we align ourselves with truth, open mindedness, and Divine support, we will travel through life experiencing betrayal.  The difference is in our complete understanding of the event, the role we play, and our ability to remain in a place of compassion and kindness.  

While looking into the mirror, post betrayal, ask:  have I been faithful to what I believe;  did I use my voice; how was I  distracted; and what story did I tell myself?  Betrayal is unavoidable, but how we engage with it and the manner in which we respond to it, is up to the face in the mirror!

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