Sunday, July 12, 2015

Words Older Than Ancient Trees

"Neil Gaiman argues that stories are alive -
that they can, and do outlive
even the world's oldest living trees."

Neil Gaiman

Our words need to be carefully expressed as they will out live us.  Poets, song writers, map makers, and mystics may pass away, but their words will live on.  Words continue to carry the reflections of an author,  for as long as a reader reads.

In reference to a published book, a reader was stating that the information within was inaccurate and that the author had made significant errors.  I found this observation to be churning within me for days after it was shared.

Is it possible for numerous readers to come away with numerous interpretations?  Are we understanding the author's intent or has time and translation tainted the account? Perhaps the point of reading is to get us to think and evaluate on our own basic reasoning.  Are we not all entitled to our own tempered story?

A writer is called to express a view according to personal interpretation.  With high regards for integrity, an author reports accurately, according to his or her understanding.  The writer follows his storyline, adjusting and rearranging many times during the task of completing a manuscript.

So if we find ourselves in disagreement, perhaps it is not appropriate to bash the art of another, but rather to acknowledge our right to disagree.  Particular words may mean nothing to us, but possibly will make a world of difference to one other, surviving long after an ancient tree.

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