Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wishbone or Backbone

"You're wishing' too much, baby.  You gotta
stop wearing your wishbone where your
backbone oughtta be."

Elizabeth Gilbert

A mighty backbone and unyielding emotional strength serve us better than any wishbone.  We wish for the woodsman to save us from the big bad wolf or we await a gentle kiss to awaken us from a long dark sleep.  We place the power of our own survival into the hands of imagined characters.    

We extinguish our authentic intentions when we wait for others to do our work.  When we join another person's bandwagon, we find we have been misguided when the ride comes to an end.  All of our energy being consumed by unfulfilling desires, leaves us exhausted and dispirited.

If we would discontinue the search for our guru and silently listen to our inner voice, we would receive unexplainable guidance for our journey.  Recognizing our personal value, we begin to respect and cherish our gifts we are called to offer to the world.  Believing in our unique skills, we can put strength into our steps towards self-realization.

When we invest in our visions, and join like minded supporters, we will be more successful at fulfilling our dreams than if we wished upon the sparkled star in the darkness of the night sky. It is not necessary for us  to wait for a prince to slip on a high heeled slipper.  Besides, when we work hard, we may decide an UGH feels much better than a JIMMY CHOO!

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