Monday, July 20, 2015

A Dose of Awakening

"Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who
keeps learning stays young.  The 
greatest  thing  in is life is to keep
your mind young."

Henry Ford

When our minds are startled out of programmed thinking, we experience fresh thoughts.  Our minds, just like our bodies, need to be exercised.  If we simply shut down with what we already know, we exclude change from our menu.  The older we become in age or in our thinking, we like things to remain the same, and not change. Change, being the catalyst to new beginnings, comes whether we embrace it or not.  It is coming.  It is here.  It is not to be ignored.

Whether young or old, we become animated with pleasure.  Even for a passing second, something or someone will lift our spirits to joy.  What recaptures animation:  ice cream; swing on a swing; antics of a young child; amused by acts of nature; or escape into flights of fantasy?  What does it for you and when was the last time it was experienced?  

On the porch with my bubble machine going full throttle, I observe surprised pedestrians. "Where are the bubbles coming from?" they shout accompanied by laughter.  They immediately turn to a playfulness displaying delight.  Some try to catch the bubbles while others simply observe the delicate flight up into the sky.

We need a dose of awakening each day.  Inspiration follows our ability to catch a glimpse of something with new perception.  So visit the library for a new topic or wander a park for a connection with nature or simply sit on your porch and look at what surrounds you with new binoculars! 

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