Monday, June 8, 2015

Nocturnal Excursion

"Learn to reverence night and to put away vulgar fear of it, for, with the banishment of night from the experience of man, there vanishes as well a religious emotion, a poetic mood, which gives depth to the adventure of humanity."

Henry Beston on How the Beauty of the Night Nourishes the Human Spirit

As I glance back over my life, some the most savored memories are of viewing the stars in the night time sky.  From earliest childhood memories to just a few evenings ago, I can easily slide into pockets of comfort connecting with the stars.  The evening sky has been a constant in my life, easily approachable from no matter where I may be.  It is always there willing to comfort me.

The stars can be a silent witness as we share our tales of woe or a brilliant  twinkling to mesmerize us into quite a state of nothingness.  We are lulled into a suspension from the daily grind or nightly fears.  We are elevated from the human experience into a lofty state of mind.

With the back drop of the blue-black sky, the stars project radiance inviting us to bridge the gap between our worlds.  When we follow the light path up into the sky, time loses all boundaries.  Our visit with the stars is impossible to define.  It is similar to stepping behind a veil into another realm.

When I am startled by my audible sigh, I realize I have returned to my time and space.  The nocturnal excursions have renewed my spirit, filled me with joy, and revitalized my energy.  As I turn to my journal to record the recent adventure, there are no words to accurately describe the meaning behind these radiant lights shining in our sky.   It is impossible to share the words of wisdom filling my awareness like stardust sprinkled from the sky.  Perhaps, this is what triggers my audible sigh.

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