Sunday, May 31, 2015

Navigation of the Spiral Cycle

"When I dare to be powerful - 
to use my strength in the service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

Audre Lorde

We may long for empowerment, asking questions and listening for answers.  We might even begin to awaken into a deeper awareness of purpose or meaning.  If we do not, however, leave fear at the door of opportunity, we can backslide down the spiral cycle.

The spiral cycle spins us from uncertainty to vision; from vision to action; and from action to manifestation.  Unfortunately, the spinning can be so accelerated, one can spin right out of the cycle into overwhelm.  Overwhelm then delivers into withdrawal where we are then lead to depression.  

For numerous reasons, we find ourselves beginning again and again.  As we navigate just a little farther each time,  we begin to recognize old road signs marking our progress.  It is not known if we are traveling towards our hidden longings or veering away from the place of knowing.   

We eventually discover our passage leading inward.  We find guidance in the silent whisper, leading us to exactly where we need to be.  As we service our vision, empowerment slowly unfolds.  Without fear, the spiral cycle gently unfolds.  

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