Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Getting Out of Dodge

"Sometimes running away
means you're headed in the
exact right direction."

Alice Hoffman

We can turn to addiction to temporarily remove our selves from pain, hold firm to denial, insist on resistance or get out of dodge!  Impulsive running as an avoidance and is never an answer to our dismay; however, to take a little jaunt might not be a bad idea.  Escaping for coffee with a friend, a walk in the park, or an affordable shopping spree can be a positive act of nurturing.

To run away physically or emotionally is not a healthy decision, but to create a break in time is sometimes necessary.  As a dedicated parent or a focused career person, we forget to temporarily step away.  The act to remove ourselves from a situation can offer us a reprieve.  It creates a space to break our concentration and in return we see things anew.  Our moods can shift, our attitudes can lift, and our vision can become more creative.  In this sense, running means we are headed in a positive direction.

If we are overburdened by emotion stemming from unresolved problems, running is not the right direction.  We must gather our strength and use it for courage to seek healthy outcomes.  Running away simply means we are carrying our problems with us; and therefore, the same issues will surface in our new environment.  Intervention is needed.

In other scenarios more extreme, such as domestic violence or corrupt work place, the act of running may be a necessary risk.  We must create the strength for a purposeful exit.  It may take courage and planning, but it may be the best choice.  In these extremes, reaching out to a professional, trusted friend, or community resource, will help us to provide a safe plan of action.  To ensure personal safety or the safety of others, using resources and following a created plan is necessary.

When we find ourselves falling out of control, we can use our energy for the positive.  We can acknowledge our fear and step through the illusion of helplessness.  Calmly make a list of options.  Explore the options.  There is no shame in reaching out to those who can help us.  Getting out of dodge is not the answer!

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