Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Picture Perfect Day

Listen to the wind,
it talks. Listen to the
silence, it speaks.
Listen to your heart,
it knows.

Native American Proverb

For no apparent reason, a perfect day is sliding off a sunny foundation.  In spite of our early morning motivation to explore a day of happiness and joy, we become aware of goodness draining from our heart.   Our mood is altered and our energy has disappeared.  We do not understand why the heavens are not supporting our intention.  In our hand, we sadly crumple the list for the nursery bulbss and plants; pottery from the sale barn; and fresh mulch from the hardware store.

We asked the heavens for a day of happiness and joy and perhaps the heavens are trying to give us this very thing, only it may arrive in a different packaging.   If we  allow ourselves to give up control, and permit the day to unfold, we will be bathed with elements of  happiness and joy, as our heart is filled with love.  Unfortunately, without thinking, we rudely respond to what is being offered without allowing time for the plan to develop.

The door bell rings and a friend is at the door, "Oh good," she says, "I was afraid you wouldn't be home!"  She gifts you with bulbs and flowers from her prize winning garden.  As we walk to her car, we notice a yard sale a few houses down.

Our interest is peaked and so we wander into the neighbors yard finding a few perfect pieces of pottery that are too heavy for the elderly couple to move.  We skip home for some cash and return with a wagon and big smile like a child on an adventure.  We run into the mailman upon returning to the house, and he is laughing.  "This must be your lucky day!" he says.  He hands her a flier from the hardware store with a coupon for mulch.

We now sit on our back steps with freshly brewed tea marveling at the perfection of God's given day.  We feel a breeze rustling our hair, sunshine warming our face, and intimate connection with all living things.  We feel blessed by the artistic brush strokes God intimately applies on our canvass making a picture perfect day!

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