Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring, Inside and Out

"Harness the energy of Spring
to clear your home and soul space."

Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Spring is known as time to clean ... to rid the home of cobwebs; to rake the dead leaves from the lawn; and to begin thinking of a new start.  Whether it is a new diet, work out program, or new garden design, the time has come to begin.  Do not overlook, however, that spring cleaning begins inside of our selves and out.

Sit in a place of comfort within your home.  Imagine light beaming in your heart.  Bring into your heart all the love you feel surrounded by thanksgiving and gratitude.  Let the light extend out from your heart and into all body parts, reaching down to your toes, and out above your head.  Breathe.

Let the light seep through your skin forming an aura around your entire body.  With your mind's eye, allow the radiant light to move throughout the room you are in.  From the floor to the ceiling, allow the light to brighten the space.  Then extend it to the next room , and the next, including hallways and bathrooms.  Let it flow outside of your home passing on out into your neighborhood.  Breathe

Your body and your living space have now been cleansed, a true spring cleaning.  Breathe in the bright light and begin anew.  Repeat as necessary.

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