Friday, March 20, 2015

Work With, Not Against

"In the early seventies a friend kept telling me, 'Whatever you do, don’t try to make those feelings go away.' His advice went on: 'Anything you can learn about working with your sense of discouragement or your sense of fear or your sense of bewilderment or your sense of feeling inferior or your sense of resentment—anything you can do to work with those things—do it, please, because it will be such an inspiration to other people.'” 

Pema Chodron
The Wisdom of No Escape

We are not alone, even in the darkest of times.  We may feel alone, but if we turn our attention to the connection we have with others, we remember everyone faces challenges.  If they can survive, then so can we.  

When we do not waste our energy stuck in the thickness of drama, and choose to move into a solution mode, we can work with our feelings. towards transition.  Fear or anger will still be present, but they will not be allowed to overshadow and immobilize us.

We are creative human beings and when we believe in our resilience, we can  feel our emotions  deeply, but not be distracted from our authentic resolution.  We move forward gracefully, confident in our personal ability to navigate life successfully.

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