Sunday, March 29, 2015

To Hold Space

"What does it mean to hold space for someone else?  It means that we are willing 
to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they're on without judging them, 
making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome.  
When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, 
and let go of judgment and control."


When we offer to hold space for someone, a sense of relief can be immediately felt by the other.  We do not try to articulate words for healing nor guidance for moving forward.  We simply be present as a symbol of support.  The gesture says "I am here for you" or "You are not alone".  To hold space for someone can last a lifetime or fleeting moment.

As a small child shrinks from the harsh words of an adult, we send calming love to a little heart.  To the newly born bird fallen from his nest, we gently offer witness.  To the carelessly slaughtered trees in the midst of a field, we give witness to death in that space.

In the gathering circles of women, it is often said, "We will hold your space."  It is a recognition that each person authentically contributes and no one can fill their shoes.  During an absence, the attending women acknowledge the energy of the missing woman as though she were still present.  The absent woman can also feel the energy of her circle from a distance.  Holding space is the connection.  

We hold space all of the time for loved ones or foreign strangers.  When we pray or visualize light around a person, we are also holding space.  When we exchange loving glances, for the briefest of moments, we are holding each other in space.  It is an honoring or an element of respect that is acknowledged silently.  

When I fill this page with words every day,  I am creating a safe place desiring to be present in your space.  It is just one of the many ways I enjoy holding space.

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