Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spiritual Practice and Sacred Rituals Implemented Daily

"We're trained to think of spiritual practices as something we do on a cushion 
or by focusing our awareness in quietude.  And yet the journey of liberation is
a lot about getting really, really honest and clear."  

Stephen Dinan

The category of spiritual practices is broad, including a variety of activities lending freedom to our thoughts.  Creative expression is very closely linked to spiritual practices.  Consider the physical expression through yoga or solitude during a nature walk.  With creative visualization, we explore the realms of our mind or other realms.  With intention, we can create a sense of sacredness to any motion whether physical, mental or spiritual.  

At one time, the word ritual was used in relation to a priest or some other intermediary deemed holy enough to display the spiritual act of ritual.  Ritual, however, can be easily found in ancient history as well as our current every day lives.  Our personal action in reverence to what was we revere as holy is a ritual.  Spiritual ritual can be practiced by artists, athletes, or the post man walking down the street. A ritual is no longer performed singularly in a church.

Creating a ritual brings sacredness into our lives.  The ritual becomes our spiritual practice whether we are reading, gardening, writing, or sitting in prayerful moments.  Any time we reach out to the sacred, we increase our link or sense of connection.  

Whatever we create as a spiritual practice or design to be a sacred ritual, we are allowing ourselves to be nurtured and replenished by the presence of holiness.  As we use our actions whether physical or mental with each and every day, our faith grows into a daily experience, not reserved for Sundays.  Our practice impacts our actions and our actions impacts every thing around us.  Choose wisely and participate daily!

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