Monday, March 16, 2015

Cadence of Soul Song

"It is in times of brokenness that the soul sings its most wise and eternal song ... Each person's soul has its own cadence.  You will recognize its music, though, by the way you feel when you are listening:  awake, calm, and suddenly relieved of the burden of control.  You will take a big breath, you'll sigh and say to yourself, " 'It's okay.  Everything's okay.' You'll unfold your arms and lean back, and say to the soul, "Just sing me your song.  Teach me the words. Tell me what you know.'"

Elizabeth Lesser

When we are hurting, we may turn towards our friends for support.  It feels good to be listened to and hugged.  There may be a variety of ways to deal with our emotions or distract ourselves from what hurts our heart.  Ultimately, we will end up sitting alone trying to cope.  

When we are present in the moment, with our thoughts calmed, and distractions eliminated, we slowly become aware of a rhythm within ourselves.  If we close our eyes, we may see the movement in colors or feel a 'knowing' growing with clarity.  Wisdom is free to come to the surface when we get out of our own way.  

We can use meditation, prayer, yoga, or any form of artistic expression to begin to uncoil from the clutches of fear.  Slowly letting go of harsh feelings, we begin to sense a calm generated from within.  When our body, mind, and soul embrace the cadence of our soul's song, we are lulled back into a safe place where courage and compassion await.  In time, all will be well.

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