Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Damage of Resentment

"Resentment is one of the strongest
and most damaging of human emotions."

John Holland

When we do not use our voice, we disrespect our selves and deny our reactions.  It is an illusion that feelings just go away.  They are repressed and they find a spot within to hide.  Unexpressed desires or beliefs accumulate inside of us taking a toll on our health, our relationships, and our spiritual outlook.

Resentment grows as our feelings are denied or unheard.  The heart closes and we begin to distance ourselves from others.  Anger builds as we fall deeper into isolation.  We might as well imprint a "KEEP OUT" sign on our chest.

Our goal is to prevent damage by finding healthy outlets for our feelings.  If we cannot safely speak our words to one person, perhaps there is another willing to listen.  When we are embarrassed and decide not to share our story with others, we can release our built up emotions through creative projects or appropriate exercise.  We can discover calm through meditation or yoga.  The key is to remain balanced.

We have choices no matter what situation we find ourselves in.  We are aware of  what choice we have to make, but find ourselves avoiding it out of fear of the unknown.  It is a temptation to stay in discomfort rather than step through the illusion of fear; but in the long run, embracing change will lead us to better opportunity.

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