Friday, February 20, 2015

Filled With Dreams

Tommy Chong's photo.

We all need something that sets our hearts on fire!  To decipher our passion and to channel it into form can be  adventurous, thrilling, and life extending.   We demonstrate contagious enthusiasm, lighting sparks in all who gather near us.  When we share our passion, we feel a live with a connection to all things imaginable and unimaginable.  

Even if we do not fully understand a person's passion, the excitement dancing in their eyes pulls us in towards the magic building in their soul.  We can become lost in their imagination and suspended in the possibilities of our own creation.  
With contemplation, we can determine our heart's desire and create what we envision as a gift to our world. Discard any sorrow lingering in the corner of the eye, and replace it with hope. Life is filled with dreams and we can make them come true!

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