Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fear, the Achilles Heal

"Welcome Challenges.
Don't Make Them Into Enemies!"

Eckhart Tolle

If we remain mindful life is a series of lessons, we can be like a student preparing, studying, and maintaining a balance of play, work, and sleep.  Life is more manageable if we slow down and take notice of what bothers us before it becomes full blown resistance.  When we witness our thinking, we usually find fear as the little pebble digging into our achilles heal.  The more rigid our thoughts, the less likely we will be able to complete lessons in a timely manner.

Life is very much like nature.  There are rhythms and patterns we automatically accept like seasons, sunsets, and  moon phases; but, we rarely glide through the stages of life as easily.  We somehow have distorted expectations or limitations assigned to aging and by doing this we make enemies out of  natural unfolding. 

When we embrace the gift hidden in each day, we are more likely to stay focused in the present.  We do not waste time regretting the past and avoid overwhelming predictions of the future.  We have no guarantee as to when our lives will end, so why be investing in tomorrows which wastes this day in the process?  

Welcome challenges, and do not let fear cloud the gifts of the situation.  Let faith sustain us until we discover the meanings, without making anyone or anything into an enemy.

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