Sunday, February 15, 2015

Barefoot Connection

"When we are in contact with the earth, meaning our skin is either touching the ground or we are not standing or wearing something electrically inhibiting (wood, rubber, plastic), the earth's electrons are conducted to our body.  We then are brought to the same electric potential as the earth.  This is also referred to as grounding.  RENEE KIRSTEN

In my community, there is a very interesting woman I have known for many years.  She is impressive in her healing abilities, educational background, and insights.  She once told me she began every day by standing outside in her bare feet upon Mother Earth, connecting with the energy that was there.  She shared she could feel it coursing through her feet and up into her calves, thighs, etc ...  This was a very rewarding ritual for her.

I, too, have spent many times bare footed upon this earth, but in the winter, not so much.  I will admit, however, there are unexpected times I have found myself shocked by the coldness under the soles of my feet as  I run the garbage out or try to coax my stubborn hound inside,

The frigid temperature of the ground slams against the bottoms of my feet.  The suddenness seems to say, "Remember, I am here!"  I can gently relax into the arching energy pulsing from below.  Which was once ice cold turns into a warm embrace spreading through my welcoming body.  There is nothing like connecting with our lovely Mother Earth.

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