Monday, January 19, 2015

The Power of Spirit

by Debbie Ford

Divine Spirit
thank you for giving me the capacity for wholeness

Thank you for this very precious moment

A moment where I am present
to all the goodness that exists
inside and outside of me

A moment that inspires thoughts of a greater future

A future where I can love and be loved
where I can serve and be served

A future where I humbly and gracefully
contribute my soul's gifts to the world

A future that is filled with abundance and miracles

Today I open  my arms to the loving presence 
that will awaken me to my greatness 
and fill my future with surprises

I surrender my life and will
to the greatest power in the Universe

Today I accept my worth and my worthiness

And so it is

This writing by Debbie Ford was shared with me around the first of the year.  I have been savoring ever since, and finally decided to share.  These words reflect how I would want my every day life to be.  It is projecting a goal I want to absorb into my life.

I deeply believe I have the capacity for wholeness, as I have been carefully placing my pieces of life together for some time now.  I know how far I have come, and I sense the vast amount of possibilities awaiting me.  

To love ourselves is perhaps the greatest step we can make, as once we embrace who we are, flaws and all, we are willing to serve and be served.  As we focus on the good happening around us, the hope for opportunities becomes vibrant.  We attract kindred spirits and our confidence increases.

When we are finally through with judgment and criticism, we can respect our personal gifts and celebrate the gifts of others.  Together and one by one, we can awaken to the power of the spirit.


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