Friday, January 23, 2015

Morning Waits To Burst Into Light

"There is a morning inside of you
waiting to burst open 
into light."


Morning is my favorite part of the day.  I have better focus and greater imagination in the early morning when all is quiet and not yet disturbed.  Please do not envision me scurrying around, running errands or attending to tasks.  The movement is all cerebral.  My mind fills with ideas and I quickly turn them into outlines or jot insights down in a journal.  There are rituals as the morning unfolds.  Candles to be lit, coffee to be made, and a few stretches to waken my physical body.  Reading favorite authors stimulate my desire to write, and it is too early for any negativity to have crept in.  Morning brings me freedom within stillness.  I imagine it is much like a hawk flying in the sky ... endless horizons, gentle breezes carrying whispers of truth, and a connection to all that is.  As I conjure up all things positive, I am aware that I am stoking the fire for the remainder of the day.  I am eager to build a fire that will slowly warm into a bright fire turning into a seasoned light to guide my way.  How I build my morning foundation determines how I will perceive the remainder of the day and the length of moment to moment living I can sustain.  

At the end of the day when I find myself spent, I patiently wait for the dreams of the night.  I will languish again in a peaceful freedom of beauty and heights rarely experienced in the unfolding day.   There are realms to be visited and languages to be heard, while categorizing the symbols needed to be understood.  

Gathering dream time experiences,  I return with my spirit entering into the morning bright. Once again I awaken and  there it is ....  a morning inside of me, waiting to burst open into the light.

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