Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Intentions, Just For Today

"To stay present in everyday life,
it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself;
otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum,
will drag you along like a wild river."

Eckhart Tolle

Since the beginning of this year, I have done well with my intentions.  I have remained disciplined in my morning rituals  of reading, contemplating, and writing.  All three elements keep my body, mind, and spirit integrated.  Diligence has kept me within my routine to support my desire to stretch and grow.  Each day, I try to start anew.  I don't bring to mind what has caused me to give up in the past nor do I project how I will do in the future.  I remain within the boundaries of just today, This seems to increase my margin of fulfillment. 

When my days are not opened with my loosely planned rituals, it is too easy for me to fall off track.  If I am not rooted in my day through spiritual connection, my ego eagerly steps in and leads me asunder. It is when I am not cognizant of my intention,  random thoughts begin to  worm their way into my foundation.  Ego begins negative nagging. and if my mind is not filled with positive affirmations, I too easily fall prey to the motivations of others.  

Through Creative Visualization, I dig my roots deeply into Mother Earth and feel myself slip down into the earth; and  I stretch my arms up into the sky, reaching for spiritual connection.  Connected above and below, energy, love, and light course through my veins, restoring my body, mind, and soul.  

Just for today, I am being the best I can be towards myself and to others.  With loving kindness, my eyes will fall upon all living things, accepting we are all here for a reason.   When we each do our part, the result is collective in that we establish peace and eradicate illusion of separateness.  

1 comment:

  1. I like these reminders. Rituals, intentions, visualizations bring a rich spiritual practice to fruition. Blessings to you, my friend.
