Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Impact The Lives Of Others With Positive Energy

"The reality of thoughts and the power they have 
to create and change the world around us
brings with it a supremely important message:
we can bless and we can heal."

Alan Cohen

Our positive energy impacts others through actions, thoughts, and intentions.  When we pray for someone, send love silently, or extend comfort to someone, we are using our positive energy.  There is great power in the ability to touch through intention.  

Here is one of my favorite stories by author Alan Cohen:
A friend of mine arrived early to work one day, and while waiting for the store owner to arrive to open up, he decided to silently send out thoughts of good will to each person who passed by him on the street.  After he was doing this for a a few minutes, a shabbily dressed man walked up to him and told him, "What you're doing with your mind is good."  

This story stays with me as it reflects how any ordinary person can just send love or light to total strangers to make a difference.  It also reinforces my understanding that many 'bums on the street' are actually Masters choosing to live a simple life just to arouse compassion in others.

This is not written to indoctrinate the reader.  It is written to encourage the reader to use the mind to send positive thoughts to any one present, distant, or no longer on this plane.  Whether any one notices or not, our love being sent out to others will impact our own lives as well as others.  

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