Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Flashing Neon Sign, Recognition

"Though she be but little,
she is fierce."


Ever since the beginning of 2015, exotic but blending colors have been streaking through my life.  Last year my thoughts seemed like black cramps of labor, but since January bursting colors have announced it is time to push!  A new life is being born!

Singular efforts from the past are now surfacing independently, and miraculously sliding into perfect order before my very eyes.  As they join forces, I have a burst of recognition of  intent and purpose  ready to unfold.  It is all coming together, ready to be brought out into the world.

Amazing how one can wander in a drab blue for months at a time or be stuck in anger red until it burns itself down to dust.  Colors can bleed together and become murky upon life's pallet leaving me  to wonder if this weren't my best.

And now each color contains strength, willing to blend, but not be muted into distress.  The vibrant splash taking form in my mind is not a simple road sign upon my path, but a neon sign flashing in recognition of my job well done!

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