Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Daring Us To Live In Fear

"Extend loving kindness toward all beings throughout the
Universe.  You can start close to home and widen the circle
more and more.  'May all beings enjoy happiness and the
root of happiness.'"

Pema Chodron

Violence seems to be cropping every where, daring us to live in fear.  Newspapers, television, social medias and social conversations are focusing on disruptions everywhere.  Granted, we need to be aware of these happenings, but we do not need to dwell in fear.  

If I am a happy person and focus on the beauty surrounding me, I can acknowledge disharmony through prayer, meditation or service.  If I share my happiness with other happy people, we can spread a sense of happiness to strangers around us.  If I find myself having fearful thoughts, which will happen, turn to creative expression to release it:  painting, singing, journaling or drawing,  Let the fear move out of you and not take up residence.

When I find myself feeling helpless, acknowledge it, and then let it go.  We cannot help how we feel, but we can and do choose our reaction to it.  Will we hold fear and let it overwhelm us, or will we choose to utilize prayers for peace, sending love across barriers, and positive thoughts to others who may be afraid.  We can balance our emotions through positive thoughts, uplifting conversations, and supportive reading.

I will fill myself with loving kindness.  I will offer loving kindness to all peoples.  I will recognize loving kindness everywhere.  I will 'be' loving kindness.

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