Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tunnel of Time

"I guess when you turn off the main road,
you have to be prepared to see some
funny houses."

Stephen King

Holiday gatherings make us more aware of how much we have changed.  Whether we revisit family, old neighborhoods, or friends, we discover the need to adjust ourselves to meet the situation.  Conversations are picked up where we left off, and our mind speeds through the tunnel of time, remembering where we last departed.  

Gathering with old acquaintances make us aware of how well we have traveled on our envisioned map.  Have we taken all of the appropriate roads, missed any turns, or wandered off the road entirely?
The key question is whether or not we were prepared.  We can travel anywhere, get lost, or discover dead ends, but all is good if we have a plan.  

Much to our dismay, conversations may reflect we have remained on the main road, passing the same landmarks and digging a rut in our routine.  Excitedly, we may share an adventure experienced after wandering off our intended route.  The first situation tells us we neglected to follow our plan.  The second situation demonstrates flexibilitity even when there is a plan.  There are many levels of readiness to embrace our journeys. 

If we are too rigid with our plans, we may overlook an option to lead us deeper into our bliss.  If we are too vague, we may endlessly wander.  We are best prepared when we have a strong core and open attitude.  In this way, we may laugh at the funny houses, rather than be placed in them!

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