Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Light Leading the Way

"We all desire to find our tribe,
a community of those that feel
comfortable to us
and nurture our journey."

Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Throughout the holidays, we come in contact with new acquaintances and interact with extended circles of friends.  The art of conversation can be intimidating for many, especially when we are not in our comfort zone.  

There is nothing quite as comforting as being in the presence of those we trust, respect, and honor. They reciprocate the very same back to us.  Joy can fill our hearts just being with those who accept our weaknesses and our strengths.  Like minded spirits who encourage, support, and tolerate our challenges are often the light leading the way, and we in turn lead them as well.

Those whom we hold dear, see beyond our masks, fears, and imperfections.  They truly listen to what we are saying or not saying and are capable of warming our very soul.  We are embraced without hesitation or restraint.

During the month of December, we need to reach out to our soul sisters prior to becoming emotionally depleted.  The gesture is to remind us we are not alone.  When we  extend ourselves, we strengthen the relationship and become more patient, loving, and kind.

As the holiday pace increases, single out time for restoration.  Connect in small ways to maintain a sense of peace.  We are not walking our path alone.  We are on a journey together.

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