Saturday, November 15, 2014

Get Out Of The Way

"Since ultimately you are the one that can make you feel safe, what environment do you need to create around you?  What support structures could you put in place?  Ask yourself where in your life are you not protecting yourself - not taking care of yourself?"

Debbie Ford
Overcoming Fear

Creativity is enhanced by the heart, but can become squelched as it reaches the mind.  If we allow it, our inner critic can totally annihilate any dream, wish, or desire. No matter how badly our heart yearns for something, our mind can override our actions.  The largest obstacle in bringing our dreams into reality is often times our selves.  We need to get out of our way.

Authentic ideas present themselves and we feel joy at the prospect of a new project.  Layer upon layer unfolds as the landscape of our dream unfolds.  We are so excited, but sooner or later we seem to run into a stone wall.  We push.  We shove. We try to climb over or go under, but to no avail.  The resistance is very strong, and we rarely realize it is our own energy blocking our way.  

Once we realize how much energy we are using against ourselves, we can begin to use it in a positive way to support our actions.   The reality of how strong we can be when we channel all of our energy in the same direction, empowers us to be well on our way to creativity.

Dismantle roadblocks while building support systems.  Structure schedules to generously include people who will listen and help to grow ideas.  Visit resources to elevate ideas and expand concepts.  As we gather our energy for positive enhancing, our fears will wither from the lack of attention.  

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