Friday, October 24, 2014

Waking A Remembrance

"I want to know who you are.  I want you to know who I am.  We may not even know why, until I hear our stories, until you hear mine.  We may not even know why until something sparks between us that makes us smile or cry with recognition - not out of sentimentality, but out of commonality, waking our remembrance that we are each other."  Christina Baldwin

At the Peoria Riverfront Fine Art Fair, I gave myself permission to chat with Ana Buzancic Petercic who is an artist and designer.  I was drawn into her tent by her art work, but quickly became captivated by her accent.  Her signature sign reflected she was from the Chicago area, as am I, but  her words had a cadence all of their own, I knew she was from a different country.

I rolled down my protective barriers and allowed vulnerability by striking up a conversation with this artistically attractive woman.  Her immediate smile opened gateways to becoming a momentary friend.  I liked her immediately!

Eventually, I gathered my courage and asked. "Ana, you have such a lovely accent.  It opens my heart to such familiarity.  What is your heritage?"  Her response explained it all.  She had dual citizenship in the United States and Croatia.  She said soon she would be returning there for a long visit.

I shared with her why I loved her accent:  I have loved ones in Croatia whom I have not seen in a very long time.  As our conversation deepened, we exchanged more information which led to the discovery of her being familiar with the family name of my friends.  This gifted artist, Ana, would carry my love back home with her in hopes of contacting my friends.

It is such a small world when we allow our selves time to share space with others.  I was deeply moved by meeting this kind woman from Croatia, and touched by the synchronicity of common ground.  If I had not had courage to speak, if she had been too busy, this awesome connection would never have been made.

Try to be open to opportunities with unknown kindred spirits.  Conversations will enhance the day and touch our hearts in unexpected ways.  By connecting links, perhaps oneness will find its way.

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