Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Success, The Embodiment of Joy

"Do you know what's 1,000,000 times better
than getting to the top of the mountain?

Getting there, after having been lost!"

The Universe

Life challenges us throughout the years, often times showing no mercy.  We barely make it through one learning experience, before another one presents itself.  When we fall, we somehow learn to pick ourselves up and begin again.  At first we may experience falling as devastating, but as life's lessons come and go, we learn to take all experiences in stride.

At track and field events, we see one athlete gliding over hurdles, while one other may be pole vaulting with ultimate grace.  Common sense tells us they have practiced routinely and yet still get tripped up.  The same is true with a toddler.  The small child wobbles and falls continuously throughout the day, offering a huge smile during surprise moments of perfection.

Fleeting moments of success are pivotal in moving forward.  Once we have accomplished something, we focus on repeating the act on a higher level.  Success becomes the embodiment of joy when we have steadily tried, tried, and tried again.

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