Thursday, October 9, 2014

Full of Your Self!

"Here I am.
This is me.
This is all of me."

Panache Desai 

We have been taught to not be 'full of our self' appearing to be a braggart or arrogant, but if we changed a few words, we create a phrase to live by ... full of spirit.  Everything we are, skill or flaw, has been bestowed upon us by spirit.  Spirit dwells within us and is a forever presence.  

We may be in a position where someone gives us a very direct compliment.  We may respond by shrugging it off, minimizing it or changing subjects.  This situation reflects how we do not embrace our individual strengths, gifts and talents. 

I am a candle burning brightly, radiating out to others to ignite the light within them.  I want to shine brightly so that the exchange can be positive and magnificent allowing spirit to shine through me.  Here I am.  This is me.  This is all of me, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Please join me in this place of brilliance with strength and dignity, joining your light with mine.

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