Monday, October 13, 2014

Anticipate Arrival

Saying yes to the universe
opens the gate
to receiving what
your soul really wants.

Madisyn Taylor
If we take the time for declaring our intentions, we, indeed, must make the time for receiving answers. What good is it to ask for something, and then not anticipate the arrival?  It is important to leave ourselves open to answers not identical to our specifications.  We are all familiar with the old adage of "beggars can't be choosers"; however, we can also be open to things greater than our expectations.  
Years ago, I was begging the Universe for answered prayer.  I honed down my request to basic need, and pleaded with angels for my undeserved response.  Fortunately, I ended all of my wishes with, "this or something greater".   The Divine never has the exact timing we wish, but eventually my desires were fulfilled, not only with my needs met, but with an abundance I would have never asked.
If we maintain patience and keep an open mind, our answers arrive in many disguised fashions.  We simply cannot give up if an opportunity appears, not looking at all like we requested.  There may be a silver lining, a giftt well hidden within, and we will never discover it if we lack the patience and attentiveness to anticipate arrival.

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