Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Maintain Balance and Hope

"Don't be swayed 
by external

Mind-Training Slogan of Atisha

When we witness hate in our own communities, it is difficult to know what to do.  It is best to not get overwhelmed by focusing on everything that is failing.  We can best help by remaining calm, centered, and prayerful.  

Collectively and individually, we can hold peace in our body, mind, and spirit.  Every ounce of kindness distributed to others, creates a ripple effect.  When others see us reaching out without judgement, they too will be so inclined.  Through meditation, prayers, contemplation or mindfulness, we can keep light shining to draw in peace.

If we remain mindful of the beauty in this world, and of the loving hearts of others, we will continue to maintain balance and hope.  We need to carry on with our very best intentions, moving goodness forward.  

While society bears down on us, we all have choices ... to hate, to argue. to judge or to love.  Whatever option we create in our lives, it will draw the same to us.  If we can change no other, than at least let us master kindness through our very own actions.

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