Thursday, August 28, 2014

When the Wheel Breaks

""You may not get what you want,
but God always gives you what you need."

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Life can change within minutes.  I might barely get the words uttered all is good in my world, when out of no where, I get slammed.  This change can be rapid, unpredicted, and challenging.  The wheel of life continues to turn.

Composed and smiling, feeling well rested, I am beaming with confidence until words are thrown at me like acid into my face.  Life crumbles  like a great statue disintegrating. Chunks of cement break loose and fall to my feet.  My mind speeds on, knowing that parts of self have already been lost.  The task of restoration begins again and I gather what pieces I can before all is lost.

The wheel of life turns.  Some times I may be safely in the hub, enjoying the sense of connection.  Other times I am  simply the hard working spokes, trying to work in unison to navigate in a positive continuous path.  Then there are the rare moments when I am like the rim of the wheel, spinning and enjoying the ride, never suspecting the wheel would ever break.  I go faster and faster clinging to the rim, not knowing the destination of the broken wheel  or what path it might take.

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